Welcome to our September 2010 letter! For those who aren't inclined to read much right now, I'll quickly summarize this letter in several brief bullet points:
- time travel
- a student in public school
- Japanese
- a side business for Thad
- a wedding
- a baby in the house
- looking for a new church
- a valuable insight about my personal wiring
So that raised even more questions than it answered? OK, I guess you'll have to read on to find out more! It's really not that long anyway!

Monticello (Thomas Jefferson's estate in Charlottesville, Virginia):
- Historic Philadelphia (Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, etc.)
- Valley Forge (Revolutionary War encampment site near Philadelphia)
- The National Zoo in Washington, D.C.
- Over the River and Through the Woods, To Grandmother's House We Go!
- A Visit with Aunt Carol and Uncle Frank
<< Andrew at Luray Caverns
Rachel, cousin Carrie, Joanna, and Lydia in Maryland
Probably the phrase from my first paragraph that most startled some of you was the "student in public school." No, that is not a typo. Lydia, who is 15, started at Lake Howell High School last week. We had planned to have her home this semester doing independent and on-line courses, but after giving it several weeks, she wanted more structure and accountability, as well as the opportunity to take "real" geometry, chemistry, art, and French classes -- all areas where I can't help her much anymore and don't have the money for private tutoring. Plus, Seminole State is less flexible with dual enrollment students than Valencia, which no longer accepts new dual enrollment students from our county. Thad mentioned the possibility of public school as an option for next year, so we just sped things up a bit and jumped in this year. The guidance counselor was more than helpful about getting her into classes with great teachers, who have, for their part, been quite accommodating with her starting the school year two weeks late. We did have to make one class adjustment, but otherwise things are going just fine so far! Since Lydia started this sophomore year with 10 credits and she's taking some AP courses, she should be graduating at the end of her junior year with some college credits. I'm really excited for her and quite confident that she will really shine in her new educational setting. You can read more here: Making the Transition into Public High School or College (Note: Lydia made her solo stage debut singing "Not for the Life of Me" for Lake Howell High School's Broadway Night on September 17. Watch her astounding performance here: This Girl's Got Gusto!)
The younger five kids are all still home with me learning American history and human anatomy along with math and English.
The younger five kids are all still home with me learning American history and human anatomy along with math and English.
Rachel and Joanna have both started their new semester at Valencia College. Rachel is finishing up her associate's degree this semester and hoping to start at UCF's nursing school in the fall. She's planning to take this next spring semester off to work and travel. Before school started, Joanna spent another week in Daytona Beach with a bunch of Japanese home-stay students, which she always loves. She will graduate from high school in the spring with a bunch of college credits. She is also working part-time trying to save up for a car.

OK, so what's left of the teaser phrases from my introduction paragraph? Ah yes, looking for a new church. Transitions aren't exactly easy, but it is time to move on from the congregation we've been at for 8 years. We miss our seeing our dear friends there each Sunday, but hope to keep in touch with as many as possible! I am grateful that the pastors have always been very kind to our family and that we had a very pleasant meeting with our senior pastor last week. In the past five weeks, we have visited three different churches, all of them quite nice. I particularly enjoyed the most recent, Lake Baldwin Church, a PCA congregation where some of our friends are members.

Here are some other recent posts on my other blogs:
- American History Unit Studies at Our House
- Weekly Grading and Lesson Planning (a method that works with my brain wiring)
- Mothering by Faith and Grace
- "Teaching Our Children to Walk With God" by Shiela Catanzarite
Stained glass from chapel at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania

"Love Lifted Me"
by James Rowe
I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore.
Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more;
But the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry,
From the waters lifted me, now safe am I.
Love lifted me! (even me)
When nothing else could help,
Love lifted me!
All my heart to Him I'll give, ever to Him I'll cling,
In His blessed presence live, ever His praises sing.Love so mighty and so true merits my soul's best songs;
Faithful, loving service, too, to Him belongs.
Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves;
He will lift you by His love, out of the angry waves.
He's the Master of the sea, billows His will obey;
He your Saviour wants to be -
Rise up O men of God
Have done with lesser things
Give heart and soul and mind and strength,
To serve the King of Kings,
To serve the King of Kings.
Grace to all of you,
Virginia Knowles