My kids love fish! Not to eat, because I personally don't like seafood and rarely serve it. I'm talking about the ones in aquariums. We've had fish in small tanks on and off over the years, but in the past year, it's been more of a consuming focus for them. They'll gladly pull weeds at a penny for every 2 so they can buy more fish and supplies. Unfortunately, they had their aspirations for a BIG tank of fish, and were trying to figure out how to pool their resources (including next year's birthday money!) to pay upwards of $100 or more to get at least a 20 gallon one from Walmart. Hmmm. They had done a lot of research on-line about different kinds of fish and what they need to survive, which types can live with which, etc. Quite impressively educational, I might say!
Then a few weeks ago, my friend Kim e-mailed and asked if I could let the folks on my local contact list know that she had a 55 gallon tank she wanted to give away. No way! We weren't going to spread the word, because we were going to claim it for ourselves! (Mwa ha ha!) Kim's tank came complete with all of the supplies and six convict cichlid fish, so named because their stripes make them look like jail birds -- um, I mean jail fish!

About the most excitment that happens in the tank is that the cichlids tend to be a bit agressive with each other. Two of the bigger ones will often face off and swim at each other, then seem to bounce backwards. They bounce back and forth several times like this and then swim away for a while. This happens pretty continually. I guess this is some kind of turf war over who gets to hang out in the castle or something. Sometimes, there are two sets of fish doing this side by side, which reminds me of synchronized water ballet.
For the most part, the big cichlids leave the little fish alone. The cheerful looking red and yellow platys (Spark and Sunshine) tend to swim with each other most of the time. My elegant black molly, named Ink, wanders around with them sometimes, too. And our snail just crawls along the glass munching algae.
And that's the end of my really fishy tale!
Virginia Knowles
P.S. A little update on the fishy tale: Two of them started nesting a few weeks ago. They would pick up pieces of gravel in their mouths and move them somewhere else. They dug a pit right near one of the hollow rocks so they could get inside from underneath it. Then they laid eggs just outside it, and soon enough probably about 200 baby fish hatched! A couple of the other cichlids gobbled up lots of the babies, so we removed those two to another tank. The mommy and daddy cichlid spent the first week or so very carefully and nervously guarding their babies, and they are still hovering nearby though they are letting them swim a little farther away. If one would stray too far, they would suck baby into their mouths, swim back over to the designated nursery area, and spit them back out. The parents have also banished all of the other adult fish to the other end of the tank, nipping at their tails if they dare come near. The babies are still pretty small, probably less than 1 centimeter long still. We'll have to find a good home for most of them soon, especially since I've seen the mommy and daddy nesting again! The two aggressive fish that we moved to a smaller tank have also been nesting. It's mesmerizing to sit and watch the fish and wonder what it would be like to have to guard such a large brood instead of just the 9 of our own kids we still have at home. These fish parents are quite an example of vigilance to me!
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