As I mentioned three weeks ago in my post Weekend Gratitude: In Every Situation, my left - and dominant - hand was injured by one of my {rowdy} children pulling back on my pinky finger. (Said child is very, very sorry for hurting me! No hard feelings. At least not much.)
Swollen |
Crooked |
Improvising with a thumb brace to support the litttle finger instead |
Soothing lavendar epsom salts make my hands smell like flowers |
Even before he saw the x-ray, this doctor took one look at both of my hands and started showing me the bone spurs on my knuckles. He confirmed what I already strongly suspected from the pain: that I have arthritis. My right hand has been quite uncomfortable in recent months and even more so in the past few days, especially my pinky and where the thumb meets my wrist. Yes, I am only 48 (at least for two more weeks!), but my mother got arthritis at about the same age. My grandmother and aunt have it, too.
So far, I've only been talking about cut-and-dry physical details. But there is always much more. Both the sudden excruciating injury and finding out I really do have arthritis have been quite emotionally traumatic for me. It doesn't help that mothering 10 children has been quite difficult on my whole body, especially on my joints. Not having full use of either of my hands to care for my family and home for the past few weeks has been really really disheartening. I feel so helpless at times. Looking ahead to a potential lifetime of pain and reduced productivity has been an intense mixture of frustration and sadness for me. As I noted on my Facebook status, "I am not a happy camper." I do believe that it is healthy for human beings to take the opportunity to grieve their losses and not just pretend everything is OK when it is not.
At the same time, I believe that there are ways to (eventually) come to terms with aggravating circumstances, both by learning a foundational life contentment AND by doing what can be done to alleviate (or better yet, prevent) the miseries that come our way. I guess that goes along with Reinhold Niebuhr's famous Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
I have accepted the reality that I will never be truly pain free in this earthly lifetime, either from arthritis or injuries or anything else. I have the hope of no pain or sorrow in heaven. I also try to remember those who are suffering much more than I could ever imagine. Hurting even a little gives me at least a small measure of compassion for them. I don't want to be a chronic complainer either. I have better things to do with my life than whine all the time. (This is the attitude I have tried to take with my Attention Deficit Disorder, too: ADD and Me? We'll Manage!)
And now I need the courage to change. This is harder by far.
The more difficult changes are in my diet, but those are the most important, not just because of my hand pain but for the rest of my body. I keep saying I am going to try to eat differently and lose weight, but I haven't stuck to it yet. In the case of arthritis, it is more a matter of avoiding certain foods that tend to cause inflammation. These are smaller, more specific changes, so maybe I can ease into healthier eating that way.
I had already checked out a library book called Food Cures by Joy Bauer, which has a chapter on arthritis. Then my son-in-law's father, Dr. Tindall, who has studied nutrition for decades, gave me some more pointers. Today, my daughter Rachel, a nursing student, gave me some pages of information she had typed when she was studying arthritis and nutrition. These included the web sites: and I came up with the following lists by combining the information from all of these sources.
Things that help:
- Water: Drinking lots of it keeps the cartilage working.
- Foods and spices: carrots, ginger, turmeric, leeks, garlic, pumpkin seeds, extra virgin olive oil, fatty fish, salmon, whole wheat, brown rice, tart cherries, fresh pineapple, papaya, green tea, green herbs, raw almonds, honey
- Supplements: glucosamine chondroitin (not the cheap stuff), Boswellia, alfalfa, Omega-3 fish oil, vitamins C & E
- Other: heat, ice after exercise, stretching, moderate exercise (walking, swimming, etc.), tools like door grips and bottle openers, topical pain reliever ointments or lotions
Things to reduce or avoid:
- Foods and beverages: cow's milk, beef, pork, citrus, coffee, fried foods, sugar, artificial sweeteners, refined grains (white flour, white rice, etc.) milk chocolate, sweet tea, Coke, shell fish, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, spinach, alcohol
- Activities: anything that put pressure on the affected joints, such as weight lifting or jogging
The biggest immediate change for me is cutting out the protein bars I have been eating almost every day, both because of the chocolate and the soy protein isolate, which probably isn't good for what remains of my thyroid. Another change is switching back to brown rice from the white rice that my kids prefer. I will not give up fresh spinach or broccoli, since they are my favorite vegetables and their other health benefits outweigh the risk of inflammation. And yes, I will need to cut back on sugar, potatoes, and red meat. That will be most painful.
I should note that today my hand has felt better than it has in a while. I had the brace off for a couple of hours and I could type somewhat comfortably without it. Yay! But I may be paying for it with pain in the middle of the night. Boo. So I put the brace back on after my Epsom soak and I'm back to hunt-and-peck on the computer keyboard.
I hope that this post has been helpful, whether you suffer from arthritis or some other challenge in your life. If you have any helpful ideas or favorite resources for the rest of us, please leave a comment below!
Grace and peace,
Virginia Knowles
This post will be linked at:
Food on Fridays

P52 Photo Project Week #33 on August 25, theme "Heat"

I am glad you were able to find out exactly what was wrong with your hand. It might of been much worse if it had been allowed to heal in the wrong position. Being able now to take precautionary steps to prolong arthritis will only help in the long run.
ReplyDeleteHope you feel better soon!
Hi there,
ReplyDeleteIs that the weight loss and wellness doc from missouri? Dr john tindall? He helped my friend. Is he still practicing?