Dear friends,
I've been compiling a series on Advocating for the Vulnerable on my Watch the Shepherd blog. So far I have six posts, and I plan to do more articles on urban ministry, immigrants, and human trafficking. Some of them will include interviews, others book reviews.
A friend who is a former victim of domestic violence wrote to tell me how much my article on that topic meant to her today. As I noted in it, most of us already know someone who is directly affected by family violence, whether we are aware of it or not. Just a few miles from our house, a fatal domestic violence tragedy hit the national news this week. Just think of all of the people whom we never even hear about.
If you haven't had a chance to read these yet, I invite you to click these links. If you see something that would be helpful to those whom you know, would you be so kind as to share the links with them either by e-mail or on your Facebook status?
- #1: A Story About Elder Abuse
- #2: Homeless
- #3: Identifying Child Trafficking Victims
- #4: Dignity, Decisions, and Liberty of Conscience
- #5: Justice by Heart
- #6: We Can't Ignore Domestic Violence
- My Thoughts on the Sexualization of the Church (and Other Problems)
- Child Discipline or Child Abuse?
- Why Am I Still Writing About Abuse?
- Manifesto of Liberty and Responsibility in Christian Families
- Recovering, Still...
- Why I'm NOT a Fan of Mark Driscoll, Real Marriage, Mars Hill, Acts 29
Related series and articles on another of my blogs, www.ComeWearyMoms.blogspot.com:
- Melancholy
- At Our Best Bravely (Encouragement for Tired Moms)...
- Knowing That She Hath Wings
- Gender & Authority series
- Reflections on Grace Based Parenting Book series
And finally, not related at all but newly updated...
- P52 Photo Project Compilation - 42 weeks of themed photos so far!
Virginia Knowles
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