Hello friends!
I'm back with another Simple Woman's Daybook! (Check out my posts from April, June, July, and August 2018.)
I'm linking this up to the TSW Daybook blog hop. Maybe you'd like to give it a try too? It's SIMPLE! I'm just following the prompts! I must confess, though, that I have rearranged the sections due to what I'm writing about and how each part connects with the others this time around.
For Today...
Outside my window...
I am thinking...
...there is always so much to do, and not enough time to do it, and I need to guard my moments. On the one hand, I need to savor the small things and not feel like I have to be in full grind mode all the time, but on the other hand, I need to also evaluate whether each activity is adding value to me or draining my life away.
I like to play Freecell, but it's a big time hog, so I often take it off my phone for days at a time. I put my Kindle app on my main phone screen so I can be motivated to read instead. This semester I bought nearly all of my seminary text books on Kindle using Amazon gift cards from several of my children. (They asked what I wanted for Christmas!) With Kindle I can change the font size for my old eyes, and I can read it anywhere, whether it's on my phone while waiting somewhere else or on my computer at home. And they don't take up space on my bookshelves. Yay. School doesn't start for another few weeks since I didn't take any January term classes, but I'm already getting a jump start.
I only work at United Way every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I try to get most of my housework and school assignments done on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. It's always a juggle.
...is my fuzzy soft blanket. I don't usually make my bed.
I am wearing...
...for lovely holidays with my family. My oldest daughter offered to host Christmas at her house so I was spared a last minute cleaning frenzy here. Here's the clan: mom (that's me), dad, 10 kids, 3 sons-in-law, and 6 grandchildren.
Today I put away many of our remaining Christmas decorations. I still have to do the tree and two nativities later this week, but that should do it. The Christmas village came down from the cabinet in our front hallway...
...and the spring decorations went up in the same spot. We don't really have too much winter in Florida!
The plaque is from Cracker Barrel, where I ate lunch with my 15 year old son this weekend. I love the gift shop there, which is probably why I agreed to take him when he asked. Oh, and great food.
I am creating...
I am creating...
...this chalk art for my front hallway. I actually did this last week.
This goes with my "one word" for 2019: ARISE. Check it out! I'm also busy blogging today. Sometimes I go weeks between posting on any of my blogs, but today I'm cranking out three posts: the Arise one, this one, and one from a seminary assignment: Inductive Bible Study on Discipleship in Matthew 8-9
I am listening...
Francesca Battistelli's "The Breakup Song" about overcoming fear. So GOOD!
Also just started listening to podcasts, asking for recommendations from friends on Facebook. I'll recommend some when I decide which ones I really like.
I am reading...
One of my seminary texts on Kindle for my Vocation of Ministry class.
We're supposed to have it done during the first week of class but it's a long book so I'm already reading it.
I am hoping...
...that my shoulder stops hurting. It's an old injury that has flared up. I have an appointment with an orthopedist next week. Some days it's excruciating but it's been a bit more tolerable lately. It's still hard to get dressed, drive, do housework, and sleep.
Speaking of hope, I often do Scripture lettering projects in the evening, taking my verses from The Beautiful Word book that my daughter gave me a while back. Even if my shoulder doesn't stop hurting, I have hope in the Lord that he will take care of me and empower me to do whatever he has called me to do.
In my kitchen...
I decorate many of my rooms by theme. The kitchen is butterflies.
Several of last year's calendar pages grace the inside of my cabinet doors with butterflies and Bible verses.
Today I was trying to get the kitchen under control again. It's always a challenge.
From this...
...to this today.
A moment from my day...
The hum of the delivery truck outside. The ding of the Amazon notification.
Yay! It's here!
I pray all of God's abundant blessings on all who read this. Sweet dreams, my friends.
Post script...

Grace and peace,
Virginia Knowles
The hum of the delivery truck outside. The ding of the Amazon notification.
Yay! It's here!
Shared quote...
Closing notes...I pray all of God's abundant blessings on all who read this. Sweet dreams, my friends.
Post script...
If you enjoyed reading my daybook and would like to create one of your own, HERE is the link to the format, guidelines and complete list of prompts.

Grace and peace,
Virginia Knowles