It’s been a busy month for us so far, not only with daily life in a big family, but with three main events!
Graduation: The first weekend in June, my parents flew down for Rachel’s graduation from The Regent Academy, the home school ministry of Metro Life Church. I can’t believe our third daughter is done with high school! It seems like just yesterday that I had three little girls ages three and under. During her senior year of dual enrollment at Valencia Community College, Rachel made the President’s List for her perfect 4.0 GPA with 21 credit hours. You go, girl!
Rachel with Thad and I
Rachel with my parents
Each graduate gets a display board

Jupiter: The following weekend, our whole family blasted off to Jupiter. Seriously! Well, maybe not blasted. We drove three hours to Jupiter, Florida, where Thad’s youngest sister lives with her family. Sarah did an awesome job of hosting the first Knowles & Scerra family reunion with over thirty relatives flying in from all over the country. I’ll write another blog post about our experiences on the water.
Anniversary Party: Just a few days later, I flew up to Maryland to spend six days with my family, celebrating the 75th wedding anniversary of my grandparents. Can you imagine being married that long? While in Maryland, I set aside one day for visiting museums in Washington, D.C. with my sister Barb and our sister-in-law Dana. This trip to Maryland gets another two or three blog posts. Stay tuned!
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