Dear friends,
It's my son Micah's 10th birthday today! His oldest sister Mary said the other day that it's been "a wonderful decade of Micah" -- and I agree!
When I went into labor with him, Thad and I hadn't chosen a name for him yet, which is quite unusual for us. However, his big sisters had just finished singing in a musical called "Prophet Speak" and one of the pieces was "The Song of Micah." The chorus went, "He has shown thee, o man, what is good, and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God." (Micah 6:8) So Thad had the brainstorm of naming him Micah. I loved it, and that settled it! His middle name is Philip, after my dad. Micah says we should have named him Hewett, which means "little and smart" because he is short and slender, yet very clever and creative. He loves to make things! As I type this, homemade pizza is waiting to go into the oven -- it's what he wanted to make with me for his birthday dinner.
When he was a baby and toddler, I used to call him my "happy chappy" because he had such a sweet disposition. He still has a great sense of humor, and he still brightens our days. Yes, it's been a wonderful decade of Micah! Or, as I often say, "I likah Micah!"
Virginia Knowles
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