Monday, June 9, 2008

Ice cream!

Hello again!

I took our six younger kids (ages 2 to 13) to Sam's Club today and had promised them we would get some soft pretzels with cinnamon from the cafe when we were done. I bought two big ones for them to share. While they were eating, I went to check out about 15 feet away. After I had paid for the groceries, I noticed a lady sitting at the next table watching the kids with a smile on her face. She commented on how well they were behaving (which was much better than they had while we were actually shopping, especially when Miss Melody was whining her head off). Then she sweetly offered to buy them each an ice cream. We liked that idea! She even insisted that the lady in the cafe put some chocolate sauce on top! Yum!

Susan also mentioned that her mom had been a first grade teacher for 42 years, and that two of her own grandchildren had been home schooled in north Florida.

See what little blessings God has in store for us when we least expect them? It also made me think that if I hadn't insisted that the kids clean up the house before we left for Sam's Club, we would not have been in the right place at the right time!

So, Susan, if you are reading this, thank you again for the ice cream!

Virginia Knowles

1 comment:

  1. Hi Virginia,

    It was good seeing you and the kids in Sam's today. Thanks for sharing the website, pictures and blog.

    God Bless you and your family,

    Mary Lu


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