Friday, June 6, 2008

Providence Co-Op English Class Plans

Dear friends,

I am posting this so that the parents in our co-op will have easy access to this information. Some of them apparently haven't been getting my e-mails! For the rest of you out in bloggy-land, it will give you a peek at what I have planned for English class this coming school year.


Dear Providence 7th-8th grade parents,

I will be teaching the English class this coming year, as I have had the privilege of doing for the past two years. I am really looking forward to it again! This will be our family's 18th year of home schooling and I can't imagine how the years have flown by so quickly!

Since the students will be studying American history this year, we will do American literature in chronological order to supplement it. I covered the same material in the 2006-2007 school year, so we will use many of the same books. The novels for the fall semester will be The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare (Puritan era), Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes (Revolutionary War) and Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink (pioneer times). In the spring, we will study Across Five Aprils (Civil War) by Irene Hunt, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (racism in 1930s Mississippi) by Mildred Taylor, and probably Rascal (the story of a raccoon and a boy in the early 1900s) by Sterling North. We may do one other novel at the end of the year if we have time. You will not need to purchase study guides for any of these novels because I write my own.

The only other curriculum you need to purchase for the fall semester is the BJU Writing and Grammar 7th Grade Workbook which costs about $20. This seems to be a well-balanced approach without too much busy work. Don't buy the teacher's manual (which is expensive) because we will either grade these in class or I will provide an answer key somehow. You also don't need the tests unless you want to do them at home.

In the fall, we will study several Great American Communicators using handouts I have already developed. We will also do a short unit on poetry at Christmastime. In the spring, we may study some logical fallacies, but you won't need any books for that yet, if at all.

If your student does not have very legible handwriting yet, please practice this over the summer! I recommend the Italic Handwriting Book G book. Besides the fact that it makes it easier for me to grade papers, acquiring this vital skill will serve your student well in the future with education and jobs. I prefer that literature and writing assignments be typed, so you may wish to practice keyboarding skills as well.

If you wish to order from Christian Book Distributors (CBD) you can use the following links:
As far as supplies, you will need a standard notebook to store your student's work at home, as well as a sturdy folder for turning in homework. Of course, you will need pencils, pens, and notebook paper, too! Other than that, nothing special is required!

Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Virginia Knowles

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