Saturday, February 28, 2009
Julia is sick in Bolivia
You can check her blog at She is being a real trooper!
{Update on March 5: Julia was feeling well enough by the end of that day to get up and play soccer with the youth! She's off to Las Abras with Angela this weekend, which is a pretty strenuous trip.}
Friday, February 27, 2009
Honoring the 100th Birthday of My Grandpa, Jack Quarrier
Grandpa’s father, John Chilton Quarrier, was the editor of a newspaper. His mother, Olive Blanche (Weems) Quarrier, was the daughter of a Confederate sharpshooter (sniper), Charles Chilton Weems, whose usual target was Union river boat captains. She was born on February 26, 1889, at her uncle’s Oak Lawn plantation in Bayou Teche, New Iberia,

I vaguely remember meeting my great grandfather, John Chilton Quarrier, when we lived in

We cleaned out Grandpa’s apartment while we were there. The thing that struck me was that he had a bazillion books. We brought many of them home, marking each with the initials JWQ inside the front cover. I still have his Revised Standard Version Bible, which is now displayed on a bookstand in my front hallway. Grandpa may not have had much of a formal education, but he sure loved to read great books! He also enjoyed classical and jazz music and had quite a record collection.
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Wissmann Family in Concert

I took the CD to our home school co-op yesterday and played a few pieces for the 7th and 8th graders. They need a taste of Americana culture, as well as good, wholesome Christian encourgament! The first song I played for them, "Mind of Christ," is actually one of my old favorite hymns, "May the Mind of Christ My Savior" by Kate Wilkinson. I remember singing it to my mother-in-law, Ann, shortly before she died. The second piece was "Let My Life Be a Light," an a capella (vocal only) piece with beautiful harmonies. And the third piece, the title cut, was the rollicking "Let the Rocks Cry Out," written by the oldest daughter, Rachel, who is 27.
I also showed my class a short video clip of a lady playing the hammered dulcimer, so they could get an idea of one of the many instruments the family played. I own a mountain dulcimer, but that is not the same thing. You can Google "hammered dulcimer" if you are curious.
by Kate B. Wilkinson
May the mind of Christ my Savior
Live in me from day to day,
By His love and power controlling
All I do and say.
May the Word of God dwell richly
In my heart from hour to hour,
So that all may see I triumph
Only through His power.
Rule my life in everything,
That I may be calm to comfort
Sick and sorrowing.
May the love of Jesus fill me,
As the waters fill the sea;
Him exalting, self abasing,
This is victory.
May I run the race before me,
Strong and brave to face the foe,
Looking only unto Jesus
As I onward go.
May His beauty rest upon me
As I seek the lost to win,
And may they forget the channel
Seeing only Him.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
New Songs and Old
This morning on the way to church, the words of the Doxology (a.k.a. “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”) popped into my mind for some odd reason. We used to sing it every week in the Presbyterian church I attended as a teenager, but only rarely have I heard it since then. I started singing in the van, remembering as I did that this is actually the tenth stanza in Thomas Ken’s longer 1674 hymn, “Awake My Soul” which starts: “Awake, my soul, and with the sun / Thy daily stage of duty run / Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise / To pay thy morning sacrifice.” It turned out to be an apt start to the morning; I’ll tell you more as we go along. (Side note: Be sure to click the links to find more information! And you don't have to stop reading this if you aren't a particularly religious person. You might learn something about what makes us tick.)
Running a little late for the service, I slipped into the sanctuary with the kids just about the time the first song started. I hadn’t heard it before, but was instantly moved by not only the lilting violins and electric cello, but also the worshipful words. I grabbed my pen and paper as fast as I could to try to catch them in snatches. In my most hasty scrawl, I jotted down the chorus… “Oh to see you, Jesus, I can hardly wait to behold the One I love! Oh to see you, Jesus, know your sweet embrace. My heart is yours, for you I long.”
As it turns out, I hadn’t heard the song before because it is brand new! Several internationally known worship song writers had converged on our church in the past few days for a retreat, and this was one of the fruits of their labor of love. It was written by Ryan, Jonathan, and Megan Baird of the California band West Coast Revival, who also led worship. Bob Kauflin, Steve and Vikki Cook, Mark and Stephen Altrogge and others were in town for the conference, too. These fine musicians, all associated with Sovereign Grace Ministries, are working on two upcoming projects: a children’s album and one on the fatherhood of God. The saints of yesteryear still bless us with their heartfelt lyrics, but the saints of now are obeying the ancient call to “Sing a new song unto the Lord!”
Old songs and new! I love them both! My friend Phyllis Reinhardt is 74 and she loves them both, too. She sometimes plays vintage hymns for me when we visit her for speech therapy each week, yet on Sunday mornings she claps and sings right along with the modern praise and worship choruses, the ones with the electric guitars, synthesizers, and full percussion. And so, this morning, the songs continued, new with old, old with new. Sometimes they seemed to intertwine since the newer ones still cherish a hymn-like reverence and the older ones are jazzed up with new contemporary arrangements.
The next song this morning, “Jesus Paid It All,” always reminds me of my daughter Julia. The second time she was in Bolivia, in 2007, she sang it constantly. She is there again on a three month mission trip now (and feeling quite sick this morning), and I know she’ll appreciate the reminder, too. (I love you, Julia!) “Jesus paid it all! All to him I owe! Sin had left a crimson stain; he washed it white as snow!” It is no surprise that these words inspired her to outreach, because, as Matt Redman sings, “Let worship be the fuel for mission’s flame / We’re going with a passion for Your name / We’re going for we care about Your praise / Send us out!” (I first heard that song at Julia’s Bolivia reunion meeting in 2007 and bought the Facedown CD immediately.)
Next up? Another dance-in-the-aisles tune, “My First Love” by Stuart Townend, which starts, “My first love is a blazing fire / I feel His pow'rful love in me! / For He has kindled a flame of passion / And I will let it grow in me.” At this point in our worship service, a few folks in our church trickled up to the microphone to share whatever Biblical encouragement God had laid on their hearts. Daniel Howell spoke for a few minutes, asking, “Are your trials blessings or burdens?” and assuring us that “He will receive the glory and you will receive the joy!” Another man, whose face I could not see, ended his encouragement with, “Your life is hidden in Christ, and Christ has already won the victory!” And Stephanie Graham (who is in 5th grade) read Psalm 143 and said she thought God would want us to know, “We do not need to worry because he will bring us the word of unfailing love and show us the way to go.” (You go, girl!) You see, not all worship has music attached, and it is certainly not limited to a church sanctuary or a Sunday morning. Worship is a way of life!
Our friend Regina Brown, who has a hearty “gospel music” voice, sang a solo introduction to “It is Well With My Soul” by Horatio Spafford and Philip Bliss. I don’t know if you are all aware of the story behind this venerable old hymn; according to Cyberhymnal, “This hymn was written after two major traumas in Spafford’s life. The first was the great Chicago Fire of October 1871, which ruined him financially (he had been a wealthy businessman). Shortly after, while crossing the Atlantic, all four of Spafford’s daughters died in a collision with another ship. Spafford’s wife Anna survived and sent him the now famous telegram, “Saved alone.” Several weeks later, as Spafford’s own ship passed near the spot where his daughters died, the Holy Spirit inspired these words. They speak to the eternal hope that all believers have, no matter what pain and grief befall them on earth.” And so Spafford wrote, “When peace, like a river, attendeth my way / When sorrows like sea billows roll / Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say / It is well, it is well, with my soul.”
We also sang Graham Kendrick’s worship song “To You O Lord” and, after the sermon, “Blessed Be Your Name” by Matt Redman, which echoes the same themes as in “It Is Well With My Soul.” (This must have been British morning, since Graham Kendrick, Matt Redman and Stuart Townend are all from the UK!)
I’ll bet some of you are wondering how I remember all of this. I usually take notes during the sermon, but I’m also trying to cultivate the habit of writing things down beforehand, too. This might include names of people I have just met, or a prayer request someone has shared with me, or a word of encouragement, or a reminder to myself to call someone or bring them a book next week, or whatever. And this morning I actually kept a running commentary on the music!
But I’m not done yet! Bear with me a few paragraphs longer. As I mentioned, several noted songwriters were in town for that retreat. One of them is Mark Altrogge, who pastors the Sovereign Grace Church north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (I remember singing his classic “I Stand in Awe of You” many years before we even came to Metro Life Church.) His sermon this morning, titled “The Kind of Sacrifice God Desires” was based on Psalm 50, especially verse 23: “The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me” (English Standard Version). Mark exhorted us that it’s not enough to go through the external duties of Christianity. We must have thankful, glad hearts! As he said, “Pigs gobble down the acorns without looking up at the tree,” but we are called to look up and offer our wholehearted praise to the one who has blessed us so abundantly! Yes, even when we are going through times of trial! He quoted Matthew Henry, who had been robbed by highwaymen, as saying in response, “Let me be thankful first because I was never robbed before; second, although they took my purse, they did not take my life; third, because, although they took all, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, and not someone else.”
If we are struggling with our attitudes, we can always ask God to fill us with joy and thankfulness. Giving thanks is not so much a matter of feelings, but of choosing. As Mark reminded us from Hebrews 13:15, “Through him (Jesus) then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.” And so we are back to the first song of the morning, the one in the van, “Awake, my soul, and with the sun / Thy daily stage of duty run / Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise / To pay thy morning sacrifice.” The most important gift we can give to the Lord every day is our praise. That is what worship, musical or otherwise, is all about.
You can download the audio for Mark’s sermon at the web site.
I guess that's about it!
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Beauty of Humility
A friend remembered that I had compiled a list of Scriptures on pride and humility a few years back and asked if I could send them to her. I also found these two quotes along the way. This could make a very profitable Bible study over a period of weeks.
In 2006, I wrote an article for Making Home Magazine called, "Be It Ever So Humbling, There's No Place Like Home". It is now on my web site (click the link above), and it has the full Scripture texts at the bottom as well.
~~ Blessings, Virginia
A Small Sampling of Scriptures on Humility
- Genesis 3:1-13; 11:1-9
- 2 Chronicles 7:1-4; 7:11-16; 26:1-23; 32:20-33
- Psalm 25:1-22; 51:1-17; 52:1-9; 115:1, 123:1-2; 131:1-2; 138:1-8
- Proverbs 3:5-8; 11:2; 12:1; 15:33; 18:12; 21:4; 22:4; 25:6-7; 29:23
- Isaiah 6:1-8; 29:13-24; 57:14-21; 58:1-14; 66:1-2
- Lamentations 3:19-33
- Daniel 4:28-37; 10:1-2
- Micah 6:6-8
- Zephaniah 2:3; 3:9-20
- Matthew 3:1-12; 11:28-30; 18:1-4; 20:20-28; 23:1-12
- Luke 1:38-55; 14:7-11; 22:24-27
- John 3:23-31; 13:3-15
- Romans 11:17-36; 12:1-3; 12:16; 14:10-12
- 1 Corinthians 1:25-30; 13:4-6
- 2 Corinthians 7:9-10; 12:1-10
- Ephesians 4:1-6; 5:22-24
- Philippians 2:1-18
- Colossians 3:12-21
- Hebrews 12:18-29; 13:12-17
- James 1:19-21; 3:13-18; 4:1-17
- 1 Peter 3:1-9; 5:5-11
Suffering: What Does it Take to Forge Our Character?

This morning, my husband Thad and I were reading together in the The Message of Hebrews, a commentary that our pastors at Metro Life Church recommended for home study during our current sermon series. There was a certain passage that he thought might be really encouraging to our 19 year old daughter Julia (who is growing through adversity on her three month mission trip to Bolivia). He put a star by it and asked me to send it to her. As long as I have it typed in, I thought you all might like to see it, too. Here it is, along with an essay I wrote a few years ago called "What Does it Take to Forge Our Character?"
"Sufferings introduce a new perfection, a perfection of testedness... For Christians, as for their Master, there is a perfection in suffering. Little as we may like them, the fires of affliction are the place in which qualities of Christian character are forged. No one wants to suffer. No one looks forward to suffering. But the Christian cannot regard suffering as an unmitigated evil. He can agree that it is an evil, but he knows also that, borne in the right spirit, it is the means of an increasing Christlikeness." (Leon Morris, as quoted on page 62 in The Message of Hebrews by Raymond Brown.)
A few years ago, I wrote an essay called "What Does it Take to Forge Our Character?" for my English students when our literature selections focused on the theme of growing through adversity. Here it is:
"What does it take to forge our character?" Does that seem like an odd question? Well, let's think about our goals in life. If the goal in life is to have an easy, fun time and to please ourselves, then we have no hope. There will always be things that get in our way, and we will be continually frustrated and angry. But if the goal of life is to grow to be strong, solid and mature in our character, that's another story, and it's filled with hope. You see, we have all the opportunities we need to help us grow up this way. These opportunities come in the form of troubles, trials, and other tough stuff like work and relationships with family and friends. That's what it takes to forge our character! So we can really see our difficulties as gifts that are custom designed by the Lord to make us strong. However, our response makes a huge difference. We must respond well to our challenges in order to make the most of them. If we fight against them or get bitter, it's not going to help at all. In fact, God is likely to "increase the heat" even higher until we get the message to rely on him and accept what he is doing in our lives. If you think about it, the natural physical world provides so many examples of how difficulties bring about strength.
Diamonds are born from lowly carbon, transformed by years and years of intense heat and pressure dozens of miles under the earth. Diamond-bearing rock is brought to the surface by volcanic eruptions, not exactly a happy occasion. But a "diamond in the rough" is not worth much until it is chiseled and shaped by a master craftsman. Then the facets radiate with beauty.
Gold, silver, and iron must be hacked out of the ground, then liquefied over fire until the dross floats to the top and is burned or skimmed away. The process is not done until the refiner can see his face reflected in the molten metal. Then it is pounded and pounded and pounded with the hammer on the anvil until it takes on the shape of what it is destined to become. Not a pleasant process, is it?
An athlete must exercise and practice, straining his muscles and training his reflexes just when he would rather be back home in bed or eating Twinkies. He undergoes discipline so he can compete and win.
When we talk about writing, we discuss the revision process. Think of yourself as a rough draft, and God as the author. He is going to make many changes in your life before you reach the final version. The Bible says he is "the author and the perfecter of our faith" and that "he will be faithful to complete the work he has started in you" (Philippians 1:6). So, think of yourself as in the revision mode!
In the novel Johnny Tremain, several things happen to test and transform Johnny: a hand injury, his relationships with others, trying to find suitable work, living in wartime, and even learning to ride a skittish horse. Even the symbolism of silver smithing reminds us of the process used to break his pride and bring him to manhood.
The poem "The Village Blacksmith" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow includes many references to the process of growing strong through adversity. First, we see the blacksmith has strong sinewy muscles, developed through the hard physical labor of swinging his sledge. Second, we see that he has endured the grief of his wife dying, yet he still faithfully worships God in church with his children. (Remember that Longfellow himself lost two wives to tragic deaths.) And third, we see the picture of iron that is forged and formed by fire and anvil. The last six lines sum it up:
Thanks, thanks to thee, my worthy friend,For the lesson thou hast taught!Thus at the flaming forge of lifeOur fortunes must be wrought;Thus on its sounding anvil shapedEach burning deed and thought.
"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:2-4
"More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." Romans 5:3-5
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
I hope that these thoughts have been an encouragement to you to not only endure, but actually embrace the hard times in your life – as gifts from God for your good and his glory. Perhaps this will even help you to be patient with other people (who are in the forging process, too) as God uses them as tools to chisel away at your character.
One last little word of grace from Scripture...
"In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. " 1 Peter 1:6-7
Virginia Knowles
P.S. If you have kids, you may want to read a related post called Preparing Children for the Storms of Life, which I wrote a while back.
P.P.S. Here is a little more complete information about the Hebrews commentary I mentioned above, along with a blurb from the Christian Book Distributors web site.
The Message of Hebrews, The Bible Speaks Today By Raymond Brown / Inter-varsity Press Times were hard for the first readers of the letter to the Hebrews. Many had been exposed to fierce persecution. They had been assaulted, their homes plundered, and some had been cast into prison. To such people this letter came as an encouragement. The writer of the letter turns their eyes to Christ, shows how he fulfills the hope expressed in the Old Testament sacrifices, and calls his readers to a steadfast faith that will take them through the hard times they now face. Blessings, Virginia
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Greatest of These is Love
The Greatest of These is Love
by Virginia Knowles
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.... And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a,13
If there is one thing that every home school family needs more and more, it is LOVE. A loving mother responds with gentle words and an offer of help when a child is frustrated about a difficult lesson. She doesn't embarrass her children by comparing them against the godly genius in the support group, nor does she breed insecurity by setting them up on that wobbly old pedestal. In her home, she isn't so smitten with her position of authority that she fails to listen to her children talk about what is bugging them or what they want to do different. Instead, she has the humility to realize that sometimes she is the one who needs to change. She doesn't insist that her way is the only way. She tries to teach her children not to interrupt, but when they do, she doesn't lose her temper or act rude in return. When she feels overwhelmed, she tries to stay calm instead of snapping at people, and she refuses to nurse a grudge. When there is some sort of transgression -- and there usually is -- she deals with it quickly, because she doesn't want it to linger all day. She doesn't laugh with the child who makes a really witty but hurtful remark about a brother or a sister, yet she does smile on the one who makes an attempt -- successful or not -- at something noble and true. She wants her children to build healthy relationships with one another, so she works hard at training them, by instruction and example, to speak sweetly and serve sacrificially. She checks up on the ones playing outside with friends, to make sure they are safe -- not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually. When her child has been irresponsible or disloyal, she quickly gives him a chance to prove himself in some small thing and thus begin to regain her trust. She has a hope within her that God will work in her children's hearts to transform them in ways she cannot fathom. When she is tempted to give up, persevering love keeps her committed. When she feels that her family life is ready to wither and die, a fresh dose of divine love is what will make her bloom and flourish at home with her children.
Some would say these words are only platitudes. I certainly don't consider myself to have attained them -- not by a long shot! -- but this is what is on my heart for my family this year: to let the love of God break through our hearts and fill us with compassion for one another. Though I am far from seeing the reality of God's high standard of love, I will keep persevering, with faith and hope, until I do!
The poem "Love Through Me" from Amy Carmichael's book Toward Jerusalem, reflects my thoughts right now. (Amy was an Irish missionary to India, and founded the Dohnavur Fellowship to rescue girls from temple slavery. Though she never married nor bore children from her own womb, she was a spiritual mother to thousands!)
Love through me, Love of God
Make me like Thy clear air
Through which unhindered, colours pass
As though it were not there.
Powers of the love of God,
Depths of the heart Divine,
O Love that faileth not, break forth,
And flood this world of Thine.
Valentine's Day Unit Study
If you know of any great links for Valentine activities, please leave them in a comment below!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Our Big Red Valentine Heart

Here is something I made ten years ago in honor of Valentine’s Day, to encourage sweet communication between family members. I took a LARGE piece of red felt, cut out a heart about 2 1/2 feet wide (70 cm), and edged it with lace. Then I sewed on a rectangular red felt pocket for each family member (plus a few extras for those not yet born). The pockets are about 3 inch by 4 inch (9 cm by 12 cm) and are also edged at the top with lace. I sewed two tabs on the back, and it can be hung on the wall with tacks or nails. In the week or two before Valentine’s Day, we put little notes, stickers, service coupons, drawings, pieces of candy, and other small items into each other’s pockets. We could take stuff out of our own pockets every day. Of course, on February 14, I put in some extra special goodies for everyone!
We're still using our Valentine heart a decade later! Somewhere along the way I made name cards for each of us to stick out of the pockets. This year we have a combined one for "Mom & Dad" and we added Ryan's name to Mary's (he is our new son-in-law).
We were short on pockets (there are only 10 -- and I thought I was planning ahead for enough new babies!) so we didn't do one for Julia this year since she is in Bolivia and we already sent her a homemade Valentine in her care package. At the moment she is in Tapeite, a very small tribal village down near the borders of Argentina and Paraguay, about six hours away from the mission in Entre Rios. A team of 12 from the mission went down on Tuesday and will return on Thursday. Apparently the tribe is quite primitive; Julia has been told she is going into another world! You can read more on her own blog at Be sure to read her funny post about serving calzone, too. And don't miss her post "Las Abras: Love" if you want something profound for Valentine's Day.
I'm doing a spur of the moment Hope Chest e-magazine issue for Valentine's Day with lots of fun and educational ideas for celebrating with kids. I recycled it from an issue I did several years ago! If you don't subscribe and want me to send you a copy, just e-mail me at
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Fear! (Or Not!)
Early this morning I dreamed of watching magnificent waves pounding the shore of a beach. Safe on a high observation deck behind a thick glass wall, I exlaimed in awe about how beautiful and enormous they were, towering perhaps 20 feet! Oddly enough, dolphins swam placidly among the tumult. But then, much to my shock, I found myself suddenly in the water, helplessly pulled out to sea by the ruthless undertow, terrifying waves now crashing over me. I could not find my voice to shout for help, and not one of my former companions on the deck realized that I was not still with them, that I was in mortal danger. And then I woke up shaking, shaken.
Moments later, I realized that even though I am unlikely to ever get caught in a massive tidal wave, that was merely a metaphor for all there is to fear in real life. I don't usually fear death because I know that I will go to be with Jesus for eternity. But sometimes I do fear what life will bring in the meantime. I could easily get overwhelmed thinking about how the world economic & political situations will affect our family, or the myriad problems could befall my children, or some horrible injury or illness that might plague Thad or me as we age.
And then, mercifully, a counterbalance....
yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
Isaiah 41:10
I do not need to fear anything or anyone on earth. To fear is to acknowledge that something has a greater power than you do. We should rightfully "fear God" in that sense, because he is sovereign over everything. Even if something else is stronger than I am, he is stronger than that and he loves me. And, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31) He is in control no matter what bad things happen. This does not mean I am immune to tragedy. Sometimes I will be in the waves and not on the deck. But he will be there with me.
In all reality, we know several families who are facing multiple simultaneous major life crises (health, finances, family issues, etc.) that I could not imagine enduring. And yet they are overcoming their trials in the grace of God. He is sufficient for them and for me.
P.S. I wrote a related tidbit, Fear Thou Not, about these verses three years ago and another one, Another Small Note, when I was having a biopsy for possible thyroid cancer five years ago. I trust they will be a blessing to you.