Dear friends,
Welcome to my 8th "Weekend Gratitude" post! I just seem to find something special each weekend to share my thankfulness, so my series isn't over yet. This week it is a celebration and the stories behind it.
Our next door neighbor Deanna, Naomi's best buddy, joined us for the celebration.
Several members of the congregation got up and told their stories about what Lake Baldwin Church has meant to their families. There is power in stories.
Mike Tilley gave a short sermon about how people who have hope get through the hard times in life, are able to offer that hope to others, and learn to dream for the future about what God can do in and through them. I'm thankful for the people who dreamed this church into existence, combining their hope with practical action.
And now more stories for you, first Lake Baldwin's and then mine.
Lake Baldwin Church officially started services in February 2006, but its true genesis goes further back than that. You see, the entire community of Baldwin Park was built on what was once the Orlando Naval Training Center. The base closed many years ago, and a new planned city of 3,500 homes plus a commercial downtown area rose up in its place. And while Baldwin Park was still in the planning stages, five couples started dreaming of a new church for a new community. They met and prayed continually. They walked the streets and prayed some more. They added to their numbers. Eventually, they found a pastor who shared their dream, and Lake Baldwin Church was born. (It is a church plant of the Presbyterian Church in America, also known as the PCA.) I'm ball park guessing that there are about 200 people in the congregation now. Noting the military training roots of the area, Mike Mikkelson (an elder) reminded us that we are training for spiritual warfare, the kind where we bring love and peace to the neighborhoods and the surrounding city. Yesterday, they put some of that love into action, serving 800 bottles of water at the Smile Mile run.
Lake Baldwin Church was founded on some core principles, what Mike calls our DNA. Some of my favorite quotes from this are:
- We see the gospel as not only saving souls, but redeeming culture, making a difference in marriages, families, relationships and in the healing of the broken. (Luke 4:18-19)
- We minister out of our own sense of being transformed by the gospel, not out of duty, and not viewing people as projects.
- Seeing that God has entrusted us with global vision and global connections, we trust Him for an impact on the nations.
- Biblical teaching is gospel-centered, not moralistic; pointing people to Christ and not to their own power.
Well, that's a little bit of the "story behind Lake Baldwin Church. Story is a big word at Lake Baldwin. I've heard it more times than I can count. Mike says, "There is a story behind every face." I have a face and here's my own story.
Last year, my husband and I realized that we needed to start transitioning into a different church than where our family had been for 8 years. Since I was more web savvy and more motivated, I started researching churches on-line. We knew we couldn't get every little thing we wanted in one church, but looked for the best fit. I initially listed about a dozen or so, but eventually knocked most off the list because of theology, distance from our house, or size. (One of our kids was adamant about wanting a much smaller church.)
At some point early in the process, I talked to my friend Beverly to see if she had any ideas for me. She said she had found a few churches on-line and was interested in checking them out but hadn't gotten to it yet. Lake Baldwin was on her list. I did a quick Google search, and while poking around the web site, discovered that our friend and former neighbor, Curt, was the webmaster. I immediately called his wife Debora (pictured left) and questioned her about the church in great detail for about an hour. Our decade of friendship has certainly built my trust in her judgment, and her honest and happy answers delighted me. I quickly added Lake Baldwin to my visit list.
In August 2010, we started visiting churches. We went to one for one week, and then a second one for two weeks. I had intended to go back to that one for the first Sunday in September to finish out a sermon series, even though I didn't think it was the right church for us. Then one of the boys got sick and my husband offered to stay home with him, but he said he had to go and get gas and milk before we left. He got confused about what time the service started, so by the time he got back, it was too late for us to get there in time. I scrambled to find the next church on our visit list which started after 10:30. Lake Baldwin starts at 10:45, so after checking my iPod map app for directions, off we went.

Here we are six months later. We attended the membership class in January, and after an elder interview with Bart, we officially joined a few weeks ago. I am a Presbyterian again after over 30 years! It's funny, though, that they really don't make a big deal about what kind of church they are. They just see themselves as one little part of the body of Christ. And right now, there is really no other place I would rather be.
I am grateful for Lake Baldwin Church, for the grace-filled teaching and atmosphere, the genuine friendliness that flows from their commitment to being a hospitable culture, their heart for global missions, their appreciation of the story paradigm of life, and their authentic and creative worship of Jesus.
Happy 5th anniversary, Lake Baldwin Church, and here's to many more to come!
To read my other posts which mention LBC, click here: Lake Baldwin Church on my blog.
To read my other posts in this series, click here: Weekend Gratitude.
To read a poem which was inspired by one of Dave Abney's sermons, click here: Between the Seed and the Tree.
To visit the church web site, click here: Lake Baldwin Church.
Virginia Knowles
P.S. I just started a new thing on my blog. I am planning to compile a list of links to my favorite posts from other blogs nearly every week. You can find my first list here: New Friday Feature: Favorite Blog Posts.
Wow! You've written a wonderful "history" of our celebration and given an insight-filled capsule look at LBC. A fun and encouraging read. Thanks, Virginia, for sharing your gratitude, and for seeing and sharing the good.