Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Still Blooming on a Chilly Morning

"Consider how the wild flowers grow. 

They do not labor or spin. 

Yet I tell you not even Solomon 

 in all his splendor 

was dressed like one of these."

Luke 12:27

All blooming in my yard
on a chilly March morning in Florida:
Indian hawthorn, camellia, violas, 
petunias, pansies, star jasmine, 
and mums that resurrected 
from dry stubs 
with a little patience.
I'm amazed that I still found 
two camellias on the bush,
and I'm awaiting the magnolias. 

"I must try and cultivate an eye for life's mercies...
And life, while it has its ugly swamps, 
its vile weeds, and its sharp thorns,
has always its fair flowers 
to charm the eye with their beauty, 
or to fill the air with their fragrance..."

Rev. John Flowers Serjeant, 1878

as quoted on Pollywog Creek

Other flower posts for you...

Longwood Gardens

Consider the Camellias

All flower posts on this blog 

This post will be linked at: 

P52 Sweet Shot Tuesday with Kent Weakley 


  1. What colors! Lots to look forward to see as the weather warms. Here we have daffodils blooming.

  2. We currently have 5 inches of snow on the ground! I'm looking forward to seeing some daffodils or crocuses peeking up through the soil! These pictures are beautiful!
    Visiting via Wholehearted Home!
    Blessings to you ~ Mary

  3. Ah ... to see these glorious blooms right now in NY would be a miracle! But patiently I await ...

    Thanks for giving us a peak of color, Virginia!

  4. Great pictures all the way from Florida ~ welcome to the Sunday community.

  5. "Flowering" always makes me grin... and "birding" ... and "treeing". And many other things that keep me amazed at what the Lord has provided/created for this world.


  6. You make me jealous ;-) as we have patches of snow still up here in the north!! Thanks for linking this post up at WholeHearted Home.


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